Monday, May 4, 2009

Do Something for Your Marriage

I'm easily distracted. I can be in the middle of something important, see a bird out the window, and before I know it, I've wasted a full five minutes just staring at it... don't act like you don't do it, too! It is so easy to get busy with the non-essential things in life that we neglect the most important things... like our marriages.

Dianna and I just got back from FamilyLife Today's Weekend to Remember. This was such a blessing for us as a couple. It was a reminder that marriages don't typically fail because of huge problems. They fail because we neglect the little, daily things, which grows into a huge problem.

So here's what I'd challenge you with: Do something for your marriage. Take one weekend every year and get away... just you and your spouse. You don't have to attend a conference (though I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to!), but make plans today to spend some time together, giving your spouse the time he/she needs. And, husbands, you should take the initiative here. Grab your calendar, choose a weekend and write: "Marriage Weekend." No hunting, no shopping, no kids, no TV. Just the two of you getting away from the distractions of life, focusing only on loving, honoring, and cherishing each other.

And here's the cool part... doing something for your marriage will do something for your kids, for your church, and even for your community. Your kids will thrive when they sense mom and dad are totally committed to each other. Your church will be healthier when marriage (which is a picture of Christ and His Church) is held in honor. And your community will be stronger since the building block of society is the family.

So be a good neighbor! Be a good parent! Be a good Christ-follower, and do something for your marriage.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder! This is so important. I'm going to pull out the calendar today!
